Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring

New to Our School?

Welcome to Park Meadows School! We are excited to have you join our school community. You can keep up to date with the many school and community events through the online newsletter and teacher webpages and blogs. The best way to contact our office is by email meadows@lethsd.ab.ca or phone (403) 328-9965.

We know that children thrive in an environment of love and respect and can do their best when they are engaged and interested in their learning.  It is our mission to provide the best education possible for your children. We pride ourselves on creating a sense of family within our school community. We are a strong team, committed and ready to provide your children with programming that meets their individual needs.

You will need the following documentation to register your child:

  • Birth Certificate or Adoption Certificate, Canadian Citizenship Certificate, Landed Immigration Certificate/Permanent Residence Status, Student Authorization (Visa) Certificate
  • Proof of Residency

A child turning 5 years of age on or before December 31, 2025 is eligible for Kindergarten. Kindergarten registration for the 2025-26 school year will open January 20.


All-Day Alternating Kindergarten Information


Park Meadows Elementary School will be offering "All-Day Alternating Kindergarten" for the upcoming 2025-2026 School Year.

The "All-Day Kindergarten" will provide 2 full days of programming, either Mondays and Wednesdays or Tuesdays and Thursdays with scheduled Fridays. 

Children must be 5 years of age by December 31st, 2025.

Kindergarten Registration Requirements:

  • Birth certificate or Birth Certificate Letter of Intent, or Passport or other legal documentation with your child's birthdate.
  • Or Adoption certificate, Canadian Citizenship Certificate, Landed Immigration Certificate / Permanent Residence Status, or Student Authorization (Visa) Certificate
  • Digital Registration CLICK HERE

Grades One to Five Information

Registration Requirements for Grades 1 to 5:

Frequently Asked Questions

1.  We live north of the school in the new district. Does the school provide busing?

Children who live within our school boundaries, but outside of the 1 km radius may be eligible for bussing. If you believe that you are eligible, please talk to the school office. 

2.  It is hard to find a parking spot out front. Can I park in the alley?

We recognize that parking is difficult on the front street and it gets very congested around bell times. While parents often drop off their children in the alley, we always promote safety over convenience.  Parents are not allowed to leave their vehicles running in the alley while they come inside. We ask that parents supervise their children closely if using the alley.  

3. What are the school hours for 2024-2025?

Early Education Program (EEP):

AM Class 8:30am to 11:15am


Monday-Thursday 8:45am - 3:45pm

Scheduled Friday's 8:45am - 12:35pm

Grades 1-5:

Monday-Thursday 8:45am - 3:45pm

Friday and half days dismissal is at 12:35pm

4. What  do you have in place for supervision and safety at school?  

We have 2 teacher supervisors outside 15 minutes before the morning bell and have 3 to 5 supervisors outside during recess breaks. We work with children to be proactive in solving problems by encouraging them to use their words, walk away and/or get help from an adult. We encourage children to tell a supervisor, their teacher or any adult if they are being bothered or hurt so we can act fast to solve the problem. In addition, we work with all students to “raise the expectation” for safe and respectful behavior both inside and outside the school.

We keep all doors locked during the day with the exception of the front door. All staff have a key that will open a locked door from the outside. Parents are asked to sign in at the office if they are visiting and must sign their children out if they are taking them home or to an appointment before regular dismissal time. We only release students to contacts that are listed on the registration forms.

We ask our Parent Volunteers to sign a Volunteer Form and starting in September we will ask them to wear a Visitor Tag when volunteering. This complies with Occupational Health and Safety Standards and lets us thank them when we see them in the school!

5. How can I help my child prepare for the transition if they are new to the school?

Knowing and keeping to routines is helpful for children so they can predict what is happening next. For students in grades 1-5, here are a few things to know:

  • We line up at the bell outside by the door

  • Students need to take on and off their shoes and coats

  • They need indoor and outdoor shoes

  • Soft soled, rubber shoes are needed to participate in gym classes. (Please remember that these can be your childs' indoor shoes as well)

  • Hugs outside the door help build independence

  • A meeting spot outside is desirable as hallways are congested

  • We ask that children use the same exit and entry door

  • We ask children to fill up water bottles for the day and take then home the last day of the week to wash

  • We ask students to unload their backpacks at home each night ( take out their agenda, field trip forms, monthly calendar, and or library books)

6.  How long do children get for lunch?

Our students eat for 20 minutes in the class with their teacher and then play outside for 25 minutes.

LUNCH 12:30pm to 12:50pm

LUNCH RECESS 12:50pm to 1:15pm

  • No pop or candy

  • Water is best

  • No microwaves

  • Pack your own spoons

  • We don’t let students share food

  • We are Nut Aware school. Please do not pack food with nuts as we have children and staff with life threatening allergies.

7. What is the best way to communicate with the teacher?

  • Blogs, email, phone 403 328 9965

  • Remind 101

  • Meeting with teachers after school is often better than before school as teachers are organizing materials before the bell and connecting with children as they enter

8.  Do you provide before and after school care?

We do not have free before and after school care. We ask that children arrive no earlier than 8:30am as we only have supervision for children 15 minutes before the bell.  BLAST runs a before and after school program. You can contact them at the BLAST office at 403 320 3988 for a fee schedule.  

9.  Are there any school fees?

Parents are not required to pay school fees. We do not collect for field trips as our parent council provides some funding so all children can go at no cost. The balance is subsidized by the school. If transportation is needed for field trips, we take a charter bus.

Some fees may be charged for lost or damaged books, out of town field trips and extracurricular activities.


10.  How do I let the school know if my child will be absent?

Safety is our number one priority.  We use an automated system called SchoolConnects SafeArrival. This new system reduces the time it takes to verify student attendance, make it easy for you to report your child’s absence and easy for staff to respond to unexplained student absences. With SafeArrival, you are asked to report your child’s absence in advance (before morning bell time at 8:22am) using one of these 3 convenient methods:

1. Call the automated interactive telephone system via a toll-free number 1-866-879-1041 to report an absence.

2. Log into the website, go.schoolmessenger.com, to set up an account to report absences.

3. Dowload the SchoolMessenger App. 

These options are available 24 hours/day, 7 days a week. Future absences can be reported at any time.

The school will use the SchoolMessenger automated notification system to contact parents whose child is absent if the absence was not reported in advance.

  • The automated notification system will attempt to contact parents at all contact numbers in our data base.

  • Emergency contacts will not be notified unless the system is unable to contact the parent.

  • If our system is unable to reach the designated parents after 20 minutes, office staff will follow up.

By reporting your child absent in advance using the SafeArrival toll-free number, Parent Portal website or SafeArrival app, you will NOT receive these automated calls.

Please note that all attendance is automated, if you call the office to report an absence, email the teacher or send a note, you will still get a phone call from the automated system if the child is not present at bell time to account for their safety for the morning attendance roll call.