2024/25 Bus Registration
The Bussing Registration process has begun. If you qualify for bussing, please expect an email to arrive in the next few days. Please note, you cannot register until you receive the bussing registration email. Emails for elementary will go out today (Tuesday) and Wednesday. Emails for middle and high school will go out Thursday and Friday. To qualify for bussing, a student's residence must meet the following distance criteria from their designated school:
At least 1 KM for K - Grade 6
At least 2 KM for Grade 7-12
Sign in under your Parent Portal.
Once you receive your email, follow these steps to register:
1. Access the Bussing Registration form through the Parent Portal in PowerSchool. Please see the instructions on how to access the form: INSTRUCTIONS.
2. If you to not have access to the Parent Portal, please contact your school for access.
3. If you do not intend to have your child transported, please ensure that you answer NO to this question, "Will your child be accessing transportation for the 2024/2025 school year?"
4. Once you have completed the registration process you will receive an email approving your registration
5. See the Division website the last week of August to find your bus schedule. Transportation Information | Lethbridge School Division (lethsd.ab.ca)
Note: The new bussing distancing announced by Alberta Education, as part of Budget 2023, takes effect for this upcoming 2024/2025 School Year.
If you have any questions regarding Bussing Registration, contact the Transportation Department at Transportation@lethsd.ab.ca.